Sunday, February 7, 2010

snow day

Tonight's forecast: snow.
Tomorrow's forecast: more snow.
Tuesday's forecast: a little bit more snow.

I love snow and I love watching it snow. It's especially enjoyable from my vantage point on the couch in front of the fireplace. Cozy. But alas, tomorrow is a work day and grown ups don't get a lot of snow days.

My sister, Terri, is a teacher in the Kansas City area and they've had a crazy winter. She's enjoyed quite a few snow days, but she isn't looking forward to making them up in June. But that leads me to the point of this entry - snow days.

Terri and her husband were recently filmed for a commercial for KC-TV5. What's it about, you ask? Snow days. You can click here to watch the commercial. Terri is the first person featured and Matt, well, he's the angry guy throwing down his coat. It's too precious not to share...I hope you enjoy. And, if you're in the midwest, here's hoping for a snow day for everyone who can enjoy one!